Matthew works on Homeric epic, with particular interests in verse form, the various reading practices known as critical 鈥榯heory鈥, and the intersections between the literary and textual criticism of Homer.

Prior to joining Christ鈥檚 as W.H.D Rouse Junior Research Fellow in 2021, he completed his PhD 鈥 entitled Vehicles of Meaning: Ships, Materiality, and the Boundaries of the Iliad 鈥 at Trinity College Dublin. In it, he explored the poetic functions and affordances of ships in the Iliad in order to show that ships are not simple background objects but rather meaningful material things that enact, encode, and structure the Iliadic world. His current focus is another project on Homeric epic, this time concerned with the politics within the repeated phrase patterns of epic language. Provisionally entitled The Politics of Quotation in Homeric Epic, this study hopes to offer a new take on the function and meaning of repeated phraseology in epic by reframing repetition as a process of appropriation and destabilisation inherent within the common 鈥榬epetitions鈥 that constitute the Iliad and Odyssey.

Haunting his planned work is a rapidly developing interest in the relationship between regularity and irregularity in Homeric verse. In the late hours of the night Matthews dreams of individual and collaborative projects that might explore this relationship between continuity and change in Homer in terms of the textual criticism, hexameter form, and thematics of epic poetry.

Matthew is always happy to hear from anyone interested in these topics, and in Homer more generally, and is willing to share copies of his publications on request.



Ward, M. 2021. 螕螒螠螘危危螘韦螒螜/螕螘 螠螒危危螘韦螒螜: Homer Iliad 9.394 and the Constitutive Role of Irregularity. JHS 141: 224-40

Ward, M. 2019. Glory and Nostos: The Ship Epithet 螝螣螜螞螣危 in the Iliad. CQ 69: 23鈥34


Ward, M. 2023. 螘危危螣螠螘螡螣螜危螜 螤违螛螘危螛螒螜鈥 A New Commentary on Iliad 7. Review of K. Wesselmann, Homers Ilias: Gesamtkommentar (Basler Kommentar / BK). Band XII, Siebter Gesang (螚)CR 73

Ward, M. 2023. Forget the Gods and Read the Rest? 鈥 A New Commentary on Iliad 21. Review of M. Coray and M. Krieter-Spiro, Homers Ilias: Gesamtkommentar (Basler Kommentar / BK). Band XIV, Einundzwanzigster Gesang (桅)CR 73

For schools
Ward, M. 2022. Colonial Encounters: Reading the Homeric Cyclops with Derek Walcott. Omnibus 84: 1鈥3